James Cheney is our contact with Rock Solid and this house belongs to him and his family. With their permission, I'm going to show you some pics of their cabinets. The first pic shows the uppers in the kitchen. The right hand wall. That cabinet furthest to the right has glass doors and is a showcase cabinet. Perfect for china or wine glasses you want to show off.
The range hood sits in the middle of these uppers. The regular cabinets are Burnt Almond color while the hood and the island are the Creme color I love so much.
The first three pics pan around and show you the uppers while the fourth shows you the island and more of the Creme color stain. The fifth pic shows the drawers under the final leftmost cabinet.
This photo shows the base cabinets along the right wall. It also shows the lazy susan in the corner. I wanted you to see how it flows together.
And here we have the other side of the island. You can see the drawer bank on the other side of the dishwasher and the other cabinets.
This next pic shows the vanity and drawer bank in the powder room. This cabinet was stained almost black. It's the third of four stain colors in the home and it's the only cabinet to feature this stain.
There's another bathroom aside from the master bath. This one services the two bedrooms and is the Burnt Almond color. An interesting feature of this vanity is the reverse drawer we installed. It will pull out bottom up as you can see in the pic. It's purpose is for the kids to stand on so they can reach the sink.
These next two pics are the master bath. We did a row of lowers and two corner cabinets with a valance between them. We originally planned on having three drawer banks.
However, that wasn't possible with the way the wall sits, so the drawer bank furthest right and closest to the camera is actually a shelf unity with a door shaped like drawer fronts.
Here's the laundry room. They went with a fourth color... An almost White Wash. With the distressing on the cabinet, it's very intense and quite beautiful.
These first two pics show the right hand wall. The uppers; ending in a full length wall unit; and a row of pull out hamper drawers in the lowers.
On the left wall we did a shelf unit with drawers. It sits to the right of the dryer. And directly above it you will see the next photograph.
There's the one upper and then there's a clothing rod suspended between two uppers. Then you have the uppers running all the way along the wall until the doorway.
Each one of these uppers has two shelves inside. Adding it all up, you can see there's lots of storage space in this Laundry. The right hand side pull out hampers are quite nice but also help to sort out colors whites, delicates etc. etc. when you're actually doing your washing.
This final photo shows the vanity to the left of the washer. Although you can't see them in these pics, James actually laid a tile countertop in the Laundry. It turned out extremely well. I'll try to get more pics if I get in there again. Otherwise, you'll just have to be satisfied with what I've taken here.
In the end, the Cheney's made choices that were complementary and delightful. The creme juxtaposed with the Burnt Almond was a super smart idea. It's not the first time we've used alternating colors in a kitchen, and it's not the most extreme difference in coloring. Rather, they look good together and compliment each other in a way that demonstrates excellent taste and design ability.
Using other colors in bathrooms and in the Laundry room might seem excessive, but the choices were both subtle and complimentary again. The whole house pulls together from the kitchen to the master bath. There's a friendly, welcoming feeling as you look at the cabinets. This house gets a lot of natural light. The windows take full advantage of it and it suffuses everything from flooring to wall paint, cabinetry to granite counter tops... Depending on what time of day you're actually in the home, the colors scheme will change. In the morning you may get the darker tones really accentuating the lighter colors; whereas in the afternoon, the gold in the wall glaze or the granite can really pull the colors forward and blend them dramatically. In the evening, the softer hue of artificial light will pull all the starkness away leaving the colors looking like a warm painting. You can tell the Cheney's were doing something that would work with the light they were bringing in and I think they've done it.
This really is an example of how Goodwin Mill & Cabinet can help someone with an idea. The Cheney's had a pretty good idea of what they wanted and Chris helped them bring it to life. Go to their website and learn how you can bring your imagination to life at Goodwin Mill & Cabinet.
This really is an example of how Goodwin Mill & Cabinet can help someone with an idea. The Cheney's had a pretty good idea of what they wanted and Chris helped them bring it to life. Go to their website and learn how you can bring your imagination to life at Goodwin Mill & Cabinet.